General Education “Standards”

Faculty teaching general education courses will design their own course-specific methods for assessing how their courses meet the goals established within the guidelines of the general education curriculum. Each time they teach a general education course, faculty will document assessment procedures and results for at least one goal through the General Education Assessment Matrix. Over time, it is assumed that individual faculty will assess all goals for each course.

  1. To develop individual assessment measures, faculty are encouraged to look to current practice and determine methods already in place, however informally. These might include (but are not limited to) pre-tests and post-tests, evaluation of student portfolios, student self evaluations, and documented classroom conversations at the beginning and end of term.
  2. Assessment of general education requirements attached to courses is considered a responsibility akin to assessing student performance in those courses and submitting grades ‘on time’ to the Office of Student Records at the conclusion of each semester. As such, the submission of assessments for courses carrying general education requirements must be completed each semester within two weeks of the deadline for submitting final grades.
  3. While our individual course assessments should guide future practices in better achieving stated goals, the assessments that are submitted through the General Education Assessment Matrix will be used in the institutional assessment of each requirement that is performed by the working groups for the respective General Education Requirements.
  4. Assessments submitted through this mechanism will not be employed in faculty evaluation unless the faculty member chooses to include it as part of the documentation submitted to his/her departmental evaluation committee.

Goals and Means of Measurement

Approved Courses

Approved Holt Only Courses


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