What do I do if...

My student's textbooks are not in the bookstore.

Contact the textbook manager, Tom Quinby or call 407-628-6304. 

I cannot access My FoxLink or Blackboard account. 

Contact the I.T. Help Desk at 407-628-6363 or x6363 from a campus phone.

I need to reserve equipment.

Schedule online through R-Net, virtual EMS; http://ems.rollins.edu/VirtualEMS.

I have a disruptive/drunk/abusive/disorderly/very ill student.

Call Campus Safety at 407-646-2999 or x2999 from a campus phone.

The lights or air conditioning do not work and it is after 5:00 pm

Call Campus Safety at 407-646-2999 or x2999 from a campus phone.
Before 5:00 pm - contact Facilities at 407-646-1000 or x1000 from a campus phone.

I have a question about a student cheating or plagiarizing.




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