Course and Instructor Evaluations (CIEs)

The College’s accreditation through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) requires continuous assessment of courses and programs. Course evaluations are completed by students through their FoxLink accounts at the end of each term. Specific dates and instructions are communicated via e-mail by the Holt School to the students. If a student fails to complete the course evaluation, he/she is penalized with a grade-viewing penalty ten days after the term ends. Instructors may review their evaluations through FoxLink after the course is complete and grades are submitted.

Syllabus Statement

Course and Instructor Evaluation
At the end of each semester, students are asked to evaluate the course and instructor. These evaluations are extremely valuable in the teaching and learning process on our campus. Student evaluations help assess student perceptions of classroom learning and often lead to improved teaching.  Your feedback is important and Rollins students are encouraged to be honest, fair, and reflective in the evaluation process.
The online evaluative survey is anonymous. Students are never identified as the respondent.  Instead, each student’s comments are assigned a random number.  You will be asked to rate your course and instructor on a numerical scale and through narrative comments.

For the fall and spring terms, the online Course and Instructor Evaluation (CIE) process opens at 8:00 a.m. on the first scheduled date.  It remains open for a period of 14 days (2 weeks) until 12:00 a.m. (midnight) on the final scheduled date. For the summer term, the CIE process will be open for a period of seven days for the six-week sessions. The evaluation period ends prior to the start of final examinations and faculty cannot access completed evaluations until 10 days after the end of final exams.

Students will receive one email at the start of the CIE period, one after the 15th day, and a final reminder the day before the CIE period ends. Students who complete evaluations for all classes will be able to view grades ten-days before students who do not complete an evaluation form.

Please note that independent studies, internships, and applied music courses (MUA) are excluded from the online process. Also excluded for confidentiality reasons are courses with enrollments of three or fewer students.

Evaluation Dates:
 <<Reference the term calendar for dates of evaluation.>>

Review your course evaluations

Access evaluations in FoxLink, under the Faculty tab. During the evaluation period, you will be able to see how many complete the forms, but not the individual evaluations. You will have access to the detailed information once the grades have been processed.



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