Faculty complete electronic forms for students who are performing at unsatisfactory levels in their courses during weeks four (4) to twelve (12) of each term. Unsatisfactory academic performance includes poor attendance, lack of participation, failure to complete assignments on time, poor test and quiz grades, poor quality of written work, studio work, or laboratory work, or an estimated grade of 'C-' or lower in the course.  The withdrawal without academic penalty deadline for the spring term is March 23 for full-term courses (the Monday following the mid-point class meeting for intensive courses).  Students may exercise their one-time, late CR/NC option before the final examination period for the term in which they are enrolled.  They should meet with their academic adviser if they are interested in exercising this option.

Academic warnings are sent via campus e-mail to the student and his/her Holt School academic adviser. Students receiving warnings are directed to meet with the professor of the course, as well as their academic advisor, to discuss issues of concern, strategies for improvement, and other options including withdrawal from courses or exercise of the Late Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) option. In addition to these interventions, the Academic Advising Services staff also contacts students when they have been referred to the Tutoring and/or the Writing Center, or if they are deemed academically "at risk" for other reasons (multiple academic warnings, students with learning disabilities, and those on academic probation).


After logging into FoxLink, simply click on the Faculty tab and scroll to the Academic Warning link.  Every Academic Warning includes an embedded link within the text of the e-mail itself.  Students can click on this link to directly respond to their professors.  You may issue AWs to identify students who are at risk for poor academic performance, even if they do not currently have a failing grade.  It is an opportunity to communicate any concerns you have, including (but not limited to) attendance, participation, tardiness, work quality, and quizzes.  You may also suggest that students utilize the tutoring or writing center in TJ's.  Faculty may issue multiple warnings for the same course throughout the term.


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