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​​Questions about site content?  E-mail: jxsmith@rollins.edu

Academic Appeals​
appeal form​​
contact:  ​Lauren Oxendine, loxendine@rollins.edu, x 2569

Academic Awards- Student Achievement Awards
Academic Award GPA list request​
contact:  Janette Smith, jxsmith@rollins.edu, x 2175

​​contact: Karla Knight, kknight@rollins.edu, x2287

​​contact:  ​Lauren Oxendine, loxendine@rollins.edu, x 2569​

Canvas - Submitting multiple files on Canvas​

CIE Dates: contact:  Karla Knight, x 2287 kknight@rollins.edu 

FALL​ 2024

Opens –   – 8:00 a.m. for CLA, Holt UG, Holt GR, Grad Counseling
Closes –   -midnight for CLA UG, Holt GR, Grad Counseling


Opens – May 30  – 8:00 a.m.
Closes – June 6 – midnight 


12-week session – Opens -July 25; Closes – August 9
1st 6-week session – Opens June 12; Closes - June 26
2nd  6-week session – Opens August 1; Closes August 11

Course Scheduling Materials
contact:  Registrar,registrar@rollins.edu
Fall 24, Spring 25

Course ​Scheduling Tools
contact:  Registrar,registrar@rollins.edu

Standard Materials
contact:  Registrar,registrar@rollins.edu
Cornell Distinguished Service Award

​Ashforth, Critchfield, Individual/Course Dev
contact:  Janette Smith, jxsmith@rollins.edu, x 2175
1. The application deadline for early proposals is the last Friday of September. ​    ​Friday, September 27, 2024

2. The deadline for faculty members not using the grant for a sabbatical period is the third Friday of January. January 17, 2025. 

​Grant Proposals:  FYRSTS

Deadline:  September 27, 2023
Proposal Deadline:
Early proposals and FYRST proposals must be submitted by the last Friday in September.

Deadline to submit proposal -Last Friday in September​  

​Grant Reports:  Ashforth, Cornell, Critchfiled, and IDG Deadlines:

23-24​ grants, final reports are due August 26, 2024

​24-25 grants, mid-year reports are due January 15, 2025

​​FYRST grants:
​Report Deadline: 
​23-24 FYRSTS mid-year reports are due December 15, 2024

contact:  Janette Smith, jxsmith@rollins.edu, x 2175
Catalog versions​
Departmental versions

​For scheduling- contact:  Zach Mendez, zmendez@rollins.edu, x 2280
contact:  Janette Smith, jxsmith@rollins.edu x 2175

Electronic Forms:
​Faculty Position Requests:

Visitor Position   URL: https://forms.office.com/r/yzKtCfVVSG​ 

I.T. Service Request Form
​Key Request Form
RCC Course Proposal Form
Requests for routine web maintenance:
Onboarding new staff:
  1. For keys:  Please submit this form
    1. Facility Work Order Requests Work orders (including standard maintenance requests, key requests, and A/C issues) should be reported through the online work request system, Maintenance Connection. You can access it at https://rollins.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1835/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=142067. For information on how to set up a new user account, please view the tutorial at: http://www.rollins.edu/facilities/servicerequest.html. Once you are set up as a user, you'll be able to submit requests and check the status of pending requests. For issues that need immediate attention or until you have access to Maintenance Connection, please call x1000 (Stephanie Doherty) to submit your work requests.
  2. RCard:  New Rollins College faculty and staff will be able to pick up their R-Card as part of HR's onboarding process.
  3. Parking Pass - Vehicles can be registered using our online vehicle registration form only.
    To register a vehicle online, please log onto Foxlink. On the main page (the Community Tab), at the bottom left-hand side, you will see a link that says "Vehicle Decal Application". You can also find this link on the Student Life Tab on the right-hand side of the page. Fill the form out and upload your documents. Once you have completed your application online, please visit our office to complete the payment and pick up your decal. 
    Please bring your R-Card to Campus Safety at the time of pick up. Registration of a vehicle on campus does not guarantee a parking space but permits the registrant to park in authorized parking areas when space is available.
  4. Phones: call I.T. x 6363 or email help@rollins.edu to reset the phone with the new person's information.  Once this is set, here is a Telephone Info Sheet for using the phones.
  5. Requesting a computer: There should be a computer for you in the area or office in which you will be working. If not, please contact the Help Desk at extension 6363. Employees inherit the machine of the person they are replacing. Information Technology has a standard machine that we provide, but upgrades and changes to that machine are possible, with price differentials paid by the hiring department
  6. Budget and Argos access: Instructions for submitting the request can be found here.
  7. Additional information (links): 
    1. Canvas, to meet individually with an instructional technologist, complete this online form to request a one-on-one meeting. We can meet with you in person, by phone, or via Teams if you are not able to meet on campus
    2. Information Technology – report issues, make requests
    3. Accounts and Access
    4. Computers, Devices, Printers

​​Academic Policies
Rollins College Faculty Handbook, Section III, CLA Policies and Procedures​

​Academic Integrity

​Frequently used sites: